Autosurf Central

Friday, April 22, 2005

Exploring the possibilities of Autosurf Traffic

Some webmasters believe that any traffic gained by Autosurfing is worthless and just a waste of bandwidth. While the majority might think so because they confuse it with "robot traffic", where not an actual user if surfing websites, some of them probably tried to make money with autosurf traffic, failed, and spread "their truth" all over the web.

In general, these people are wrong. There is no bad traffic (unless you are very short on bandwidth in which case I would advise you to change your plan with your ISP), it's all about marketing.
The first major mistakes most webmasters who are new to autosurfing make is to throw in their regular website's main page about topic XY (eg. dating or sports cars) and expect it to do as well with autosurf traffic as it does with normal linked, type-in or search engine traffic. This does not work out for a single reason: Your website does not target the audience.
There are lots of bad examples I have seen in the autosurf rotations since 2001, when I started using autosurf programs. Web portals, Generic E-Shops and alike will always do extremely bad in autosurf rotations regarding both, click through rate and income. These sites simply fail to deliver what the "market" wants. To understand this, one needs to look at what autosurf programs are about: Webmasters (read as: "target market: affiliate programs, web hosting etc.) participate in them to gain credits for their own sites ("promotion, marketing") or to get paid to surf ("money, investments"). If your site fails to serve any of these markets, you might as well stop surfing now. Your chances of coming out of this with a profit are very slim to say the least.

If you can't convert your traffic, you don't deserve to make money with it.

Analyze if the website you have submitted to the AS programs is interesting for your clients, namely webmasters. If it is not, make a new site that targets one or more of the above markets. You will do better, much better.


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